
An Underground Lair that Hides Over 1,000 Whiskeys

In a city as dedicated to history as Tel Aviv, clustered with museums of all sorts, it’s no wonder you can find one dedicated to whiskey alone.

Jan 08, 2019 | By Lynette Kee

In a city as dedicated to history as Tel Aviv, clustered with museums of all sorts, it’s no wonder you can find one dedicated to whiskey alone. Venture underground into the historic Templar tunnel, a landmark in its own right, and you will find what was once a local winery from the 19th century, refurbished into one of the top five largest whiskey-themed museums in the world, the aptly-named Whiskey Bar & Museum.

This classy combination of bar and museum has up-ended the notion that one can’t have both his whiskey and drink it, presenting connoisseurs a more visually appealing way to enjoy their drink.

Wall of Whiskey

Perhaps the most stunning feature of the Whiskey Bar & Museum is none other than the expansive wall displaying over a thousand varieties of whiskeys from legendary Scottish distillers to more eclectic ones from Hong Kong and India. While most museums across the world have a strict no-touch policy, the Whiskey Bar & Museum’s unique selling point is that the large collection from its wall (including one particular whiskey worth NIS 40,000) is available for sample and purchase.

Considering Tel Aviv to be the main financial hub of Israel, the Whiskey Bar & Museum is exactly the place for businessmen to take their visitors for a spirited evening.

Whisky-tasting as we know it connects drinkers to their senses. As such, the Whiskey Bar & Museum’s kitchen offers dishes specifically designed to accentuate the aroma and flavours of each drink, allowing patrons to appreciate the ‘water of life’ to its fullest potential. Pairing food with whiskey isn’t the easiest, given the strict nuances on both sides, but the menu offers something for everyone.

It wouldn’t truly be an immersive experience if all your senses were activated, of course. The most unique thing about the Whiskey Bar & Museum is honestly, its venue. Hidden away from the hustle and bustle of the city, wrapped in history, the venue allows patrons to indulge in a private setting, and one can feel as though they’ve left the modern world for just a minute.

And with the right drink in hand, that minute could just be a night.

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