Culture / Celebrities

Sarkozy Names New Plane After His Wife

Nicolas Sarkozy’s ‘bling bling’ reputation reached new heights last week when it emerged his new 80 million jet has been named ‘Carla’ after his wife. The French President defied the recession last year to order $390 million worth of planes, including an Airbus designed to be bigger than any flown by other European leaders, and […]

Jul 13, 2009 | By Anakin

Nicolas sarkozy Carla Bruni

Nicolas Sarkozy’s ‘bling bling’ reputation reached new heights last week when it emerged his new 80 million jet has been named ‘Carla’ after his wife.

The French President defied the recession last year to order $390 million worth of planes, including an Airbus designed to be bigger than any flown by other European leaders, and two corporate run-arounds for shorter trips.

The first, a hugely luxurious Dassault Falcon 7X, has now been delivered complete with the hand-painted legend ‘Carla One’ glistening on its side, in honour of First Lady Carla Bruni.

‘She’s a beautiful plane and of course officially named after the President’s wife,’ said a source at the Villacoublay airbase near Paris, where the plane is currently under lock and key in a top secret hangar.

Aviation expert Jean Guisnel, of France’s Le Point magazine, said ‘the model is decorated in the livery of all official French planes – sober and elegant.’

The Sarkozys will also be getting a top-of-the-range Airbus A330-200 which is bigger than any other European leaders, but smaller than U.S. President Barack Obama’s Boeing 747-200, otherwise known as Air Force One.

The Airbus will be outfitted with desks for Mr Sarkozy and a secretary, a meeting room for 12 people and seating for 60 passengers as well as a bedroom and a private bathroom.

Via DailyMailPhotos: Le Point (fr)

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