
Art Republik Indonesia: Second issue out now on news stands

Get the new Indonesian edition of Art Republik Issue Two, which is now out on stands

Feb 24, 2017 | By Vimi Haridasan

The highly anticipated sophomore issue of the semiannual Art Republik Indonesia, the Indonesian edition of the quarterly Art Republik, is hot off the press, following its debut at Art Stage Jakarta in August last year.

On the cover is Fairy Tales from the Melting Ground of Stella, an oil and wood on canvas work by contemporary Filipino artist Jigger Cruz, reflecting the magazine’s interest in and focus on not only Indonesia but more generally on Southeast Asia and beyond. Fernando Christianus Na’oe Woda, Editor of Art Republik Indonesia, notes that it was “selected for its dynamic expression of visual elements as well as words”.

The cover is the perfect teaser for the rich visual and textual content on the pages of the magazine. Special reports include reviews of the inaugural Art Stage Jakarta, the 7th Indonesian Contemporary Art and Design 2016 and the 4th Jakarta Contemporary Ceramics Biennale. Featured artists include Jimmy Ong and German artist Jorg Dickmann, among others.

Chockful of information about the regional art scene in the region, one can find out more about Museum MACAN, Indonesia’s first museum dedicated to international modern and contemporary art, Maria Elena Rudolf, who works alongside husband Lorenzo Rudolf for Art Stage Singapore and Art Stage Jakarta, and well-known Indonesian art collector and supporter Melani Setiawan.

Denise Tjokrosaputro, CEO of MPGMedia, comments, “Indonesia has reached another milestone with the inauguration of Art Stage Jakarta. Positive response from local as well as regional and international art communities showed great enthusiasm and outlook for Indonesia’s art. I am very proud that Art Republik Indonesia continues to position itself to be the leading channel of communication within the local communities.”

Nadya Wang, Managing Editor of Art Republik, says, “The Indonesian art scene is one of the most active in the Southeast Asia, and Art Republik Indonesia is set to complement the parent magazine’s focus on art in the region for an inclusive and expansive exploration of the art world, from public museums to commercial galleries, from policy-makers to collectors.”

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