Alexander Wang Fall/Winter 2014 campaign
Alexander Wang has presented his latest campaign, a slightly risqué series of snaps shot at Saint Cecilia in Greenpoint, Brooklyn.

ALEXANDER WANG has presented his latest campaign, a slightly risqué series of snaps shot at Saint Cecilia in Greenpoint, Brooklyn.
Alexander Wang once again called on the talents of photographer Steven Klein and German model Anna Ewers for his Fall/Winter 2014 campaign.
Klein captured Ewers for the previous season, legs akimbo over a bathroom sink, and now she’s returned for some more ever-so-frisky fun.
This season Ewers was joined by Vanessa Moody, Kaitlin Aas, Lexi Boling and Kat Hessen for a series of pictures shot through reinforced glass, inside a mysterious institution. Hair was taken care of by Anthony Turner with make-up by Diane Kendal, another regular collaborator.
The new Alexander Wang campaign will run in major fashion titles including Love, CR Fashion Book and Interview, as well as on a New York City billboard during the upcoming fashion week.