
Dom Pérignon P2 2000: Second ‘Plénitude’ of its millennium vintage champagne

17 years in the making, the P2 2000 was aged on the lees under a natural cork — instead of a crown cap — for an enhanced freshness.

Aug 01, 2017 | By Pameyla Cambe

Some things take time to perfect. In the case of Dom Pérignon’s P2 2000, a good 17 years was spent ageing the second “Plenitude” of their Millennium vintage. The French winemakers have unveiled a worthy follow-up to their 2000 vintage champagne.

Aged on lees from 2001 to 2016, Dom Pérignon’s latest offering bears all the hallmarks that we have come to expect from the famous champagne house. Like its predecessor released back in 2008, the P2 2000 is composed of 52% Chardonnay and 48% Pinot Noir. However, thanks to an extended period of maturation, the latter boasts a more vivid, energetic taste.

From just a sip of the P2 2000, it’s easy to tell that the extra 9 years spent in Dom Pérignon’s Epernay cellars have paid off. The lees have done their magic in transforming the rich, rounded taste of the Dom Pérignon 2000 into one that is younger and livelier for the P2 2000.

Credit should also be given to the natural cork closures of the P2 2000 bottles. Unlike crown caps which are typically used for vintage champagnes, the natural cork preserves the freshness of the wine a lot better. Granted, a crown cap would have produced a more consistent wine, but the allure of the P2 2000 lies in its unmistakable zest.

It goes without saying that Dom Pérignon spends a lot of time fine-tuning the little details. (After all, that is only to be expected of a company owned by the prestigious Moët & Chandon.) In that vein, the brand only produces vintage champagne in years when quality allows. As its name suggests, the millennium vintage champagne was made from grapes harvested in 2000. That year was marked for its particularly challenging summer: mostly gloomy up to the sunny days of August. However, it was this very climate that has made all the difference in the quality of the wine — as Dom Pérignon has proven, once again.

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