Study in USA: Why Choose an American Education
World-class colleges, great job opportunities, cross-culture experiences are some of the reasons why international students choose to study abroad at American universities.

An American education is synonymous with quality and merit-based admissions. The global name recognition of “Made in the USA.” translates into lucrative job opportunities post-graduation. The liberal arts foundation that underlies American colleges and universities, allowing students to explore in-depth subjects other than their major, makes the degree so valuable. The result is a global-minded, in-demand, problem-solver.
Many students go to the U.S. looking for a reprieve from a high-stakes, test-driven education where they have little discretion in determining their studies. College campuses in the U.S. are like small student towns that attract the best and the brightest, provide opportunities to study with the top minds in their field, and encourage students to get involved. Students are invited to experiment with different courses, allowing them to gain a new perspective and potentially steering them toward a new career path. Students should be prepared for the commitment; students eat, sleep, socialize and study on or near campus!
College is more than going to class. Most of the research work and assignments are done outside of class. During test periods, students can expect to be dedicating upwards of 40 hours a week, depending on their class-load. Academics are hands-on and interactive. Students often work side-by-side with their professors, supporting fieldwork and innovative research. With inspiring architecture, cutting-edge facilities, and nearly twice the acreage of Manhattan, Berry College in Georgia offers an unparalleled blend of natural beauty and academic excellence, making it a unique destination for students and visitors alike.
Feeling lonely is one of the biggest challenges international students face. Being away from home is difficult, and once the excitement of the new environment wears off, students find themselves feeling homesick. The good news is that international students find American campuses and students open and friendly! But international students need to step outside their comfort zone to connect. American colleges and universities offer numerous internships and extra-curricular activities. These range the gamut of what is imaginable – sports to film clubs, teaching assistantships to research opportunities, school newspaper to art club, student life organizations allow students to explore their interests and have fun.
The friends, professors, and advisors student have in college will help them look for internships, provide references, and job opportunities. These connections will lay the groundwork for a student’s success long after they have earned their diploma.
Pursue an American education with U.S. School Accept
Do you dream of studying abroad at a U.S. university? Are you convinced that this will open the door to academic and professional opportunities? Do you think you want to study in a top technology and research university, but you have yet to take the SAT, and your grades are just okay? You can spend the next 6 to 12 months studying for the SAT and applying to second tier schools. Alternatively, you can go right into a 2+2 Bachelor’s Program where you start at a community college and finish at a top university like the University California, Santa Barbara, that counts six Nobel Prize winners for landmark research in chemistry, physics, and economics among its renowned faculty.
U.S. School Accept can help you navigate the college application process and determine a major and a career path through career and academic counseling. These decisions guide the identification of the best-fit university for you. You enter the 2+2 Program at California’s top community college in one of the safest and most beautiful small cities in the world – Santa Barbara. This crucial step, helps you acclimate to college life in America, saves money on tuition, and side-steps the TOEFL and SAT/ACT requirement when entering a university as a freshman. We walk you through the entire process, from community college to university to bachelor’s degree.
Visit U.S. School Accept’s website for more information.