London Pop-Up Offers 3D Printed Meal
The moment where 3D printers infiltrate even our food has arrived. At Food Ink, 3D printed meals are a reality.

Keep the crazy coming, we’re used to it. It was first owl cafes, then Taiwan’s toilet restarant before naked dining houses took the world by storm. At this point, we thought we would be able to predict the next gastronomic trend – and then 3D printed food happened.
We’re not making this up, we promise. At Food Ink (get it?), 3D printers spin food out of paste, which will then be shaped and accompanied by regular foods (a vestige of regularity in the increasingly sci-fi world we live in, thank goodness). Craving for 3D printed hummus, chocolate mousse and pizza? It’s all a piece of cake at Food Ink. See what we did there? In fact, there are a grand total of nine courses for customers to pick from.
To complete the 3D dining experience, customers will take their seats on 3D printed chairs (they’re entirely serious about this). Unfortunately, the pop-up restaurant in Shoreditch, East London is only slated to open for a short three days, before moving to Berlin, Paris, USA, Taipei and Singapore (hooray for us!), among a list of other countries. Should the opportunity to visit slip by you, however, one can live vicariously through livestreaming on the restaurant’s website here.
But for those in London, mark your calendars: it is July 25-27.