Culture / Celebrities

Liu Wen Interview: 6 Fashion/Beauty Holiday Tips

The new face of Giorgio Armani New Normal and La Perla FW16 spills her vacation tips, where she believes one’s best accessory is their smile – and a camera.

Jul 15, 2016 | By Luxuo

She has walked for runway shows, starred in ad campaigns for some of the biggest fashion houses and is the first East Asian model to walk for Victoria’s Secret’s Fashion Show. Really, what can Liu Wen not do? This FW16 sees her add being the face of Giorgio Armani New Normal and La Perla into her bevy of achievements – see what we mean? AFP Relaxnews gets up close with our (and Giorgio Armani’s new) favorite supermodel where she lets slip her her vacation beauty tips. Get ready for a little sneak peek into Liu Wen’s holiday suitcase.

Beachwear, casual or glamorous? What’s your go-to look when you’re on vacation?

It really depends on where I’m going… a mix of beachwear, casual, and glamorous is probably best – whatever feels most comfortable.

What are your three best fashion tips for holidays?

Bring positive emotions and a healthy body with you. Remember to pack comfortable shoes and fitness clothing, and make sure your luggage is large enough to fit everything!

What accessories do you always take with you on vacation?

The best accessory is your smile! And a camera, so you can document everything: friends, scenery, food… And of course, you can’t go without sunglasses, La Perla beachwear and a good hat!

What is your holiday beauty regimen?

I go through my usual routine of cleanser, moisturizer, day/night cream, but I remember to add sun protection if I’m going outside. Always spend some time to find the best spa possible, so you can have a great, relaxing beauty routine for your entire body.

What are your favorite makeup looks for day and night?

When I’m not working I don’t use makeup very much, but during the day I like to carry a colorful lipstick just in case. At night, if I’m with friends I like to put on some light makeup that looks refreshing. I would contrast that with a dark red lip color and some mascara. Of course, I don’t forget about some color on my nails!

Do you have a particular holiday anecdote or a special souvenir to share?

Every trip has really precious memories for me. I like calming scenes of nature, so the one that sticks out the most is probably a few years ago, when I went to Thailand’s Koh Samui Island with my parents and some friends for two weeks. That’s when I started recording my “Wen Li” webseries for China as well.

For souvenirs, I always take many photos no matter where I go, and I always buy fridge magnets that are local to the area!

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