Culture / Art Republik

STPI Exhibition: Artist Heri Dono in Zaman Edan

Art imitates life with the works of Indonesian artist who explores “The age of craziness”.

Jun 23, 2016 | By Vimi Haridasan

There are only a few more days to catch the works of Indonesian artist Heri Dono at the STPI Creative Workshop & Gallery, Singapore. Titled “Zaman Edan” or “The Age of Craziness”, the exhibition features 40 of the artist’s illustrations in both paper and print.

The King of Dinosaur Holds the Fire, 2016 Zaman Edan (The Age of Craziness) by Heri Dono Produced at STPI – Creative Workshop & Gallery, Singapore © STPI/Heri Dono

The King of Dinosaur Holds the Fire, 2016 Zaman Edan (The Age of Craziness) by Heri Dono Produced at STPI – Creative Workshop & Gallery, Singapore © STPI/Heri Dono

The installations explore themes such as socio-political issues and human behaviour with some humour. The Indonesian artist’s imagination shines through and serve as visual commentaries on the theme of madness thanks to the numerous techniques and materials he uses in his art. Having been a part of the global art scene since the 1980s and participated in more than 270 exhibitions, Dono has developed a signature of sorts with his adaptation of the Javanese folk theater ‘Wayang Kulit.’

Ronggowarsito With Michel Foucault’s soul, 2016 Zaman Edan (The Age of Craziness) by Heri Dono Produced at STPI – Creative Workshop & Gallery, Singapore © STPI/Heri Dono

Ronggowarsito With Michel Foucault’s soul, 2016. Zaman Edan (The Age of Craziness) by Heri Dono Produced at STPI – Creative Workshop & Gallery, Singapore © STPI/Heri Dono

In this exhibit, he switches up his techniques with materials that he has used for the first time. “What I knew about print was very conventional like etching, monoprint and lithography. But at STPI, I was fully able to experiment with techniques in an unconventional way, using new unthinkable materials like paper pulp and fabric when it comes to print, and I even got to create sculptures. The collaborative process with artisans here has been interesting and I enjoyed merging these different disciplines” said Heri Dono.

The Clown Who Becomes the Clown’s Vehicle, 2016 Zaman Edan (The Age of Craziness) by Heri Dono. Produced at STPI – Creative Workshop & Gallery, Singapore © STPI/Heri Dono

The Clown Who Becomes the Clown’s Vehicle, 2016 Zaman Edan (The Age of Craziness) by Heri Dono. Produced at STPI – Creative Workshop & Gallery, Singapore © STPI/Heri Dono

As explained by Indonesian writer and curator Jim Supangkat, the exhibition is a first for the artist in many ways. Not only does he explore the various materials at his disposal, but also this exhibition has allowed Dono to showcase beautiful colors and nuances for the first time in the pieces he creates.

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