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All About Art — “REVVV” Debuts at Formula 1 Singapore Grand Prix

Explore 50 artworks by 16 artists of which 17 are inspired by the sights and sounds of the world’s only night race in this exclusive Art Social event.

Sep 08, 2022 | By Joe Lim
Jonathan Toh, founder of All About Art
Image: Royston Neo

Art and Formula 1 Singapore Grand Prix may not seem like a hand-in-glove match but in the minds of All About Art, their first-ever ArtSocial event cum exhibition REVVV is bent on bringing together artistic partners, collectors, and friends to our Tiny Red Dot’s fabled garden city. To immerse in the buzz of the Formula 1 Singapore Grand Prix and celebrate the spirit of the gallery, the event could heighten the sense of art appreciation among F1 aficionados.

The event promises to showcase the best contemporary artworks from artists all over the world, set in a space decorated to look like a living room. Averting the typical white-wall gallery space, the organisers believe it creates a more lived-in environment and breaks convention in terms of the art ambience space we are always accustomed to. 

Artist Sergey Starodumov — “KIMI WINNER”, Oil on Canvas, 150x300cm

Unique to this event is the three-part experience where attendees can view an exclusive series of 17 works, inspired by the sights and sounds of the world’s first night race, which will wow attendees. The hyperrealistic depictions of bringing Formula 1 race to life can be witnessed for the first time. Art should celebrate the creators of these works on canvas. The event will feature 16 artists in total, where up to 30 new works from the best in Asia’s contemporary art scene will be displayed.

Featured artists at REVVV include:

Erik Minter

Erik Minter — “Gibbygoo”, Acrylic on Canvas, 90x120cm

Renowned for his expressive and vibrant colour combinations that weave otherworldly graphical shapes with fluid splashes, Erik Minter is a man whose forte in abstract art shines. His surreal figures depicted in his art exudes an emotional feeling of experience, evocative dreaming, or nostalgia. He cites, “favour working with colourful, happiness-inducing hues. A painting is working for me when I’m asking myself, how on earth did I do that? It must leave a lasting impression on my thoughts and must be audible to something outside of me. Instead of depicting the appearance of something from the actual world, I’m more interested in conveying the core of a sensation.” Minter’s works focus on control and spontaneity, too. In his series “Along For The Ride”, each piece depicts a gesture bursting with spontaneous movement exquisitely captured in paint. In a single gesture, Minter can achieve this artistic narrative but he doesn’t mind the unexpected external outcomes where he is led to new journeys to explore.

Rafael Sliks

Rafael Sliks — Detail of “LUCIS”, Oil on Canvas, 100x120cm

Hailing from São Paulo, Brazil, Rafael Sliks is all about focusing on calligraphy styles melding textures and nature. Colours and movement with abstracts of life’s moments are also strong themes in his works. He gets inspired by being in a rainforest where Mother Nature becomes the focal point. He loves to study colours and textures that the world of flora and fauna presents. The urban city environment is also how he derives his inspiration for his work. The devil is in the details when walking through the city as he spots textures and movements, thereby, mixing nature and urban elements into cohesive artworks.

Yomar Augusto

Yomar Augusto — Detail of artwork for REVVV exhibition

The Brazilian-American multi-disciplinary artist splits his time between California and New York City. Augusto’s work is about spatial limits and the ebbs and flows in life. Within the spatial parameters, he notices borders, where his gestures and movements come alive. They are sometimes thoughtful, relevant, and even mimetic. The subtext of this artistic narrative also explores natural organic abstraction. Some of his works also mirror his personality where one can notice his strong affinity for beautiful forms tempered with Brazilian playfulness. His stroke of honest transparency also reveals mankind’s fleeting randomness which we sometimes fail to appreciate as we plod through life.

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REVVV happens between 30 September to 2 October at ArtSpace @ Helutrans Tanjong Distripark. Come visit this event if you’re attending the F1 night race, all attendees to the art event will get to enjoy four cocktail recipes served using Roku gin. For more information, visit All About Art website here.

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