Prestel & Partner Family Office Forum Singapore 2022: Exclusive Networking Opportunity for UHNWIs Family Offices
LUXUO catches up with Katja and Tobias to learn more about the upcoming Singapore Family Office Forum happening between 17-18 May 2022 at The Fullerton Hotel.

Some of the world’s most guarded wealth are found in families that have a strong history. Lineages of these families could be traced back to the 19th century like the Whartons or further back like many of the royal families. Securing this huge wealth is a tall order that requires much coordination on multiple ends.
Being at the top can be lonely as not everyone possesses wealth in the billions. Therefore, recognising this gap for a networking opportunity, the founders of Prestel & Partner, Katja Muelheim and Tobias Prestel, decided to create a safe space for these individuals or their Family Offices to interact and exchange ideas.

At the Prestel & Partner events, a series of talks are conducted for those interested and most importantly, at the forum, these UHNWIs can get to learn about the latest happenings in the various industries. The key takeaways from this ultra networking session? It will definitely be the connections and being inspired by the various key movers and shakers of the world.
Ahead, LUXUO catches up with Katja and Tobias to learn more about the upcoming Singapore Family Office Forum happening between 17-18 May 2022 at The Fullerton Hotel.
Do tell us a little more about yourself and the upcoming Singapore Family Office Forum that’s happening between 17-18 May 2022.

Katja Muelheim: It’s great to be back, after the long Covid break. “In every crisis is an opportunity”: Wealth owners, Family Offices and UHNWI have to adapt and restructure, so the personal exchange about all challenges with peers has a huge value. That’s what we do: Bring together Family Offices in a networking environment to help the exchange between families, wealth owners, and only a select few experts. It’s a great opportunity for Family Offices to get inspiration based on real situations and of course to meet new friends!
How important are Family Offices to the world’s economy?

Tobias Prestel: In terms of numbers, private owned companies outshine listed capital. More importantly, private-owned money can move faster and has far fewer restrictions: You do as you wish. And what Family Offices and their principals wish for is a better world. So, in short, our audience is the global driver to change for a better world.
Is there a particular reason why Singapore was chosen over other cities like Hong Kong or Shanghai to be the hosting city?
Katja Muelheim: Singapore has the most neutral status out of these three. It is also a hub for all of Southeast Asia; our guests come from Indonesia, Malaysia, Vietnam, Thailand and beyond, while Hong Kong and Shanghai are more known to a Chinese audience. However, Chinese wealth is growing at such an amazing rate, we certainly will do something in China as well; ask us about this in a few months!
How are Asia’s Family Offices adapting to the changing balance of geopolitical power?
Tobias Prestel: Think global, act local: We see a renaissance of investing in one’s home sphere. While still of course spreading risk by investing across many asset classes in many geographic regions worldwide.
Family Offices are traditionally thought to be accumulated over many generations and they are sometimes called “old money”. With the emergence of new technology like blockchain and crypto, a new crop of billionaires (new money) is seen, how does that affect the way Prestel & Partner conducts its forums?
Katja Muelheim: Yes, as Tobias mentioned, you don’t put huge wealth, all eggs in just one basket, you diversify. Since our start 11 years ago, our events represent all relevant asset classes our audience being Family Offices invests in. This includes new Tech — actually, Family Offices are “trend scouts” and very much ahead of the curve usually!
Do you believe families have a responsibility to do something more with their wealth?

Tobias Prestel: They not only have the responsibility, but they also have the desire! We call it “making money while doing good”. Why invest in oil and gas when sustainable renewables bring the same or even better results? Also, being rich has no identity; doing good is a great purpose.
Over the past two years, under the shadow of the Covid-19 pandemic, what changes have you observed in the direction Family Offices are taking?
Katja Muelheim: A core Family Office job is to safeguard money in the long term. No rush. So in a crisis, many are cautious with a wait and see approach. Because this crisis lasted so long, many used the time to rethink their positions, structures, partners, everything, in fact, was questioned. Now many have improved, in terms of digitalisation, operations etc.
What do you think is the biggest takeaway for those who have attended the forum?
Katja Mülheim: At our events, you learn that you are not alone. Yes, you are in a very special situation; yes most don’t understand you and your issues. However, some peers and experts do understand you and can help you. It’s great to exchange notes with peers!
Tobias Prestel: If you are a Family Office, UHNWI or expert helping these — join us and see how much fun and joy it is to look into best practise of Government or Investments and network at the Prestel & Partner Family Office Forum! All event dates here for our locations in Singapore, London, Wiesbaden, New York, Zurich, and Dubai — see you there?
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