Lifestyle / Travel

The friendliest city in the world is …

Auckland, New Zealand and Melbourne, Australia have been named the friendliest cities in the world, according to readers of CN Traveler magazine.

Aug 07, 2014 | By AFPRelaxnews


Auckland, New Zealand and Melbourne, Australia have been named the friendliest cities in the world, according to readers of CN Traveler magazine.

The cities in Australasia tied for first place among readers in the annual World’s Friendliest and Unfriendliest Cities ranking, with a score of 86 points.

In addition to their warmth and sunny dispositions, locals in the two cities also share a common trait that visitors are quick to point out: their sense of humor


Last year, readers voted the seaside city of Florianopolis in the south of Brazil the friendliest in the world.


Overall, Australia and the US tie for having snagged two spots each on the top 10 list. Victoria, British Columbia took third place after Auckland and Melbourne and is the sole Canadian city on the ranking.

Meanwhile, at the other end of the spectrum, Johannesburg, South Africa landed at the bottom of the heap and took the unfortunate title of unfriendliest city in the world, primarily for being “dangerous.”


Three French cities landed on the list of top 10 unfriendliest cities in the world — more than any other. The cities were Paris, Cannes and Marseille.

croisette cannes

Top 10 friendliest cities in the world

1. TIE: Auckland, New Zealand; Melbourne, Australia
3. Victoria, British Columbia
4. Charleston, South Carolina
5. TIE: Dublin, Ireland; Sydney, Australia
7. Siem Reap, Cambodia
8. Cape Town, South Africa
9. TIE: Savannah, Georgia; Seville, Spain
11. TIE: Budapest, Hungary; Salzburg, Austria

Top 10 unfriendliest cities in the world

1. Johannesburg, South Africa
2. Cannes, France
3. Moscow, Russia
4. Paris, France
5. Marseille, France
6. Beijing, China
7. Frankfurt, Germany
8. Milan, Italy
9. Monte Carlo, Monaco
10. Nassau, Bahamas

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