AeroMobil flying car going to Top Marques Monaco
The AeroMobil, a flying car that transforms into a 2-seater light sport plane, is set to go on show to the public this spring at Top Marques Monaco.

The AeroMobil, a flying car that transforms into a 2-seater light sport plane, is set to go on show to the public this spring at Top Marques Monaco.
The supercar show will provide the backdrop for the latest public update of the vehicle, which was launched at Vienna’s Pioneers Festival last winter.
The prototype, which is expected to be issued with its full airworthiness license within weeks, can achieve speeds of up to 160 km per hour on the road and 200 km per hour in the air.
The Slovakian invention, created by CTO Stefan Klein and CEO Juraj Vaculik, runs on regular fuel and has a range of 800km.
It can take off from speeds of about 100 km per hour, meaning that it can take off from any legal leveled grass surface.
A price has yet to be released for the limited-edition first model. AeroMobil 3.0 will be on show at Top Marques Monaco from April 16-19.