Culture / Design

New Apple store in Paris

A second Apple Store opened on July 3rd, two steps from Opéra, 18 months after the brand’s first Paris store opened in the Carroussel du Louvre in Nov 2009. Named as Apple Opera Store, the design is a radical departure from the usual Apple Stores that you might have seen around the world. The location […]

Jul 20, 2010 | By Anakin

A second Apple Store opened on July 3rd, two steps from Opéra, 18 months after the brand’s first Paris store opened in the Carroussel du Louvre in Nov 2009.

Named as Apple Opera Store, the design is a radical departure from the usual Apple Stores that you might have seen around the world.

The location has been under construction for well over a year, due to the need to preserve and restore historic architecture, such as wooden doors, arched windows and wrought-iron balcony railings on the exterior.

Moved by the romantic architectural beauty and culture of Paris, this new Apple Store does not include any of the usual architectural features of Apple’s previous stores that you might have seen.

According to ifoAppleStore, the space is surprisingly small, taking up just 50 feet of the 115-foot face of the building along Rue Halévy.

The space represented by two window bays on the right and one on the left of the front doors are used for other purposes, chopping square-footage from the retail space.

Inside, the stainless steel and glass are gone, replaced entirely by marble, wrought-iron, stone and wood that match the features and colors of the existing building.

Overhead lighting fixtures hang from the ceiling, a significant departure from Apple’s proven architectural design.

Source: ifoapplestore

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