Culture / Art Republik

Tokyo Art Week goes green

River Re Wall is a system for green walls that’s developed by Hokkaido Sanyu Corp. It seems like a mini version of a riverbed or garden turned on its side. Behind the moss-covered wall panel is an irrigation system that ensures all-around healthy greenery and generates a faint, trickling sound of water. The sound is […]

Apr 10, 2009 | By Anakin

River Re Wall is a system for green walls that’s developed by Hokkaido Sanyu Corp. It seems like a mini version of a riverbed or garden turned on its side.

Behind the moss-covered wall panel is an irrigation system that ensures all-around healthy greenery and generates a faint, trickling sound of water.

The sound is designed to create a sense of real, living nature, as well as encourage relaxation.

A number of these were on display at the recent Art Fair Tokyo.

Priced at $7,000 to $26,000 these painting-sized “living” wall panels draw inspiration from traditional temple-style meditation gardens. Via CscoutJapan

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