
Cost of studying in USA: Tuition fees and living expenses for international students pursuing an American college education

How much is a degree from a good university in the U.S. going to cost? Here, we break down the numbers and how U.S. School Accept can help save both time and money for those looking to study abroad.

Jul 26, 2017 | By LUXUO

Higher education in America is complex, and its pricing dynamics are no less so. Tuition fees vary between schools, as well as area of study. Of course, the more prestigious the university, the more expensive it will be. Throw in living and other course expenditure, an American college education is a substantial investment.

Just how much are we looking at? As a gauge, top-tier universities in the US can cost well over $50,000 a year. Including course literature, room and board, an international student can spend about $73,000 annually. Multiply that over five years – the time taken for most international students to graduate – the total sum is at $360,000. Let’s also not forget the hours spent writing essays and studying for the SAT, ACT and TOEFL.

If you’re looking for a cost-effective alternative, consider starting at a top-ranking community college instead. Most community colleges do not require a SAT or ACT score, and a few do not even require the TOEFL for international students.  The quality of the education is comparable, the tuition is significantly less, and the schedule is flexible.

Whether you start at a community college or a four-year university, you are required to take general education courses (60 units). These are the pre-requisites that you can take at a community college that will transfer to your desired four-year university where you will complete your major and earn your Bachelor’s degree.

California’s top ranked Santa Barbara Community College, amounts to $25,000 a year for international students, including tuition, fees, and estimated living expenses. Those who begin their education at Santa Barbara Community College and finish with a bachelor’s degree from a UC (like UC Santa Barbara or UCLA) save upwards of $100,000, in addition to the time and money spent on the freshman essays, SAT, ACT, and TOEFL tests. For many students, starting at a community college is the cheapest and most direct route to earning their bachelor’s degree from a top U.S. college.

How U.S. School Accept can help

U.S. School Accept can help you navigate the college application process and determine a major and a career path. These decisions guide the identification of the best-fit university for you. You enter the 2+2 Program at California’s top community college in one of the safest and most beautiful small cities in the world – Santa Barbara. This crucial step, helps you acclimate to college life in America, saves money on tuition, and side-steps the TOEFL and SAT/ACT requirement when entering a university as a freshman. You’ll be guided through the entire process, from community college to university to bachelor’s degree allowing you to focus on the long-term benefits of earning your degree.

For more information, visit U.S. School Accept’s website.

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